«One day, he said to me, "Jesus never talked to a prostitute." I immediately went on the offensive: "Oh, sure he did," and whipped out my sword of the Spirit and got ready to spar. Then he just calmly looked me in the eye and said, "Listen, Jesus never talked to a prostitute because he didn't see a prostitute. He just saw a child of God he was madly in love with". I lost the debate that night. When we have new eyes, we can look into the eyes of those we don't even like and see the One we love. We can see God's image in everyone we encounter. As Henri Nouwen puts it, "In the face of the opressed I recognize my own face, and in the hands of the oppressor I recognize my own hands. Their flesh is my flesh, their blood is my blood, their pain is my pain, their smile is my smile." We are made of the same dust. We cry the same tears. No one is beyond redemption. And we are free to imagine a revolution that sets both the oppressed and the oppressors free.»
Shane Claiborne, The Irresistible RevolutionPai, perdoa-me pela minha insensibilidade, perdoa-me pela minha falta de Amor. Ensina-me a olhar para os outros segundo a tua perspectiva, livre de todos os preconceitos e nunca me esquecendo que aos teus olhos somos todos igualmente pecadores e igualmente belos e amados...